Thu Sept 29th LAZERCRUNK w/ Jx4, Dr. Edwyn, Cutups & Keeb$ @ Brillobox
thursday september 29th LAZERCRUNK! we pushed our october date back a week as not to conflict with the excellent VIA festival show on october 6th. this month we’re keeping it local and mixed up with two guest djs who impressed us recently with their skills […]
Fri Sept 16th HYDRA! a collaborative art-danceparty-benefit @ Mexico City in Downtown Pittsburgh
Soon Pittsburgh’s multi-headed Hydra will rear it’s head from the depths of the three rivers and descend upon Downtown’s Mexico City restaurant for the first time. Pittsburgh is criticized by some for being too small and interconnected… yet often times these same qualities are what […]
Thu Sept 1st LAZERCRUNK w/ Cosmic Revenge (Frite Nite, SF), Cutups & Keeb$ @ Brillobox
thursday september 1st LAZERCRUNK! back to first thursdays after a summer of weekends – this month we’re bringing out one of our favorite rising star producers from the west coast COSMIC REVENGE Embassy Rec. / Frite Nite / Bay Area melodic bass heavy future g-funk […]
Sat Aug 13th LAZERCRUNK: I CAN HAZ LAZERS? the LOLCATZ edition w/ Brent StillLife (Cle) @ Brillobox
caturday august 13th the interwebs feline appreciation society in association with stackin’ paper present “I CAN HAS LAZERS?” the lol-cats themed ### LAZERCRUNK ### with special guest BRENT STILL LIFE badman press / 18th audio / based / cleveland oh! wan ov r favrit clevlund […]
Thur July 7th NASTY NASTY & SALVA w/ Cutups, Keeb$ and Twin Syndrome @ The Rex Theater
Seafarer Entertainment & Legions of Dance & BASSBURGH Present: The Pre Burn– A Burning Man Pre Party Brought to you by BASSBURGH NastyNasty SALVA Cutups and Keebs Twin Syndrome Thrusday, July 7 @ The Rex Theater 17+ 10$ Tickets Avail @
Sun July 3rd LAZERCRUNK – F#%K YEAH!!! w/ Chrissy Murderbot (Planet-Mu, Chicago), Cutups & Keeb$ @ Brillobox
sunday july 3rd, get ready to scream at the top of your lungs LAZERCRUNK: F#%CK YEAH!!! an explosive ALL-MERICAN weekender with special guest dj… CHRISSY MURDERBOT Planet-Mu / Loose Squares / Chicago Since the mid 90s, Murderbot has been mashing it up on the decks […]
Fri June 3rd YINZERPARTY presents CHERRY PIE WRESTLING @ Belvederes
SHE’S MY CHERRY PIE!!! Come watch Pittsburgh girls battle to win a cash prize by pinning the most opponents. All while covered in cherry pie! Memorial Day is so great that we’re extending your celebration. BBQ early and enjoy dessert here. The past 3 years […]
Fri June 10th GET WEIRD Nerds vs Jocks @ Belvederes
Friday, June 10th at Belvedere’s: Get Weird! Nerds Vs. Jocks Choose your side wisely! This month we are asking a few friends to help us make the party jump a little more than usual. Don’t miss this line up of dancefloor smashers! w/ Music from […]
Thu 5/5 LAZERCRUNK! Birthday Edition: Eat Cake like a BOSS! (on a Boat) w/ HANK D, Cutups & Keeb$ @ Brillobox
thursday may 5th do what you were born to do, and EAT CAKE LIKE A BOSS! (on a BOAT!) L A Z E R C R U N K the birthday party edition with special guest dj HANK D a true pgh party rocker mixing […]
Fri 4/15 BASSNECTAR afterparty w/ Paper Diamond, Kidtraxiom, Cutups & Keeb$ @ The Club at Stage AE
Seafarer Entertainment Presents: THE OFFICIAL BASSNECTAR AFTERPARTY w/ PAPER DIAMOND aka ALEX B (Pnuma Trio, Pretty Lights Music) KIDTRAXIOM (MONTANA) & CUTUPS & KEEBS Saturday, April 16th @ 12:00 AM The Club @ Stage AE 18+ $15 ADV Tickets – […]